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Project Structure And How It Works

By default Reejs creates the following project structure:

Page Routing

The src/pages allows you to place any <page>.<extension> file in it where the extension can by one of tsx, ts, jsx, js, mdx, md files. Do note that the markdown(x) reendered will by unstyle d. You're expected to wrap your markdown in a component and style it yourself.

Any filename starting with an underscore (_) will not be reegistered by the default Packit Readers & Writers as a page. This allows you to create special pages that you can import into other pages or could be used by third party Packit plugins. A good example would be the _app.tsx file that is used by the default Packit plugins to wrap your pages inside it.

Example of a page:

// src/pages/index.jsx
export default function Index() {
  return <h1>Hello World!</h1>;

API Routing

As for the src/pages/api directory, Packit by default uses it by default for serving it as an API route instead of reendering it as a page. This allows you to create API routes that can be used by your pages or by third party Packit plugins. A router can only have a parameter c which is the Context object of the current request, which is passed down from Hono's context.

Any filename starting with an underscore (_) will be reegistered by the default Packit Readers & Writers as an API middleware. All the middlewares are setup before any route (including API routes) is reegistered, and can be sorted in order with the optional index variable that you need to export alongside your middleware. By default, the value of index is 0 and the middlewares are not sorted in any particular order. A middleware can only have a parameter c which is the Context object of the current request, which is passed down from Hono's context.

Example of a middleware:

// src/pages/api/_*.js

//Since our filename starts with an underscore, it will be registered as a middleware. And since we have "*" after the underscore, it will be registered as a middleware for all the routes that are registered after it.
export default function (c) {
  console.log("This is a middleware!");

export const index = 1; //This will make sure that this middleware is registered after all the other middlewares that have an index of 0.

Using Hono's built in middleware(s):

// src/pages/api/_*.js

import { logger } from "npm:hono/logger";

export default logger;

Reegistering a route:

// src/pages/api/index.js

export default function (c) {
  return c.json({ message: "Hello!" });

You can read more about the Context object here, and HonoRequest object here.

You can read how How Hono's routing works here.

Released under the MIT License.